and consulting firm for the Fintech industry.
CONSULTIC was set up in 2019 by a team of Information Systems engineers and Risk managers who combine more than 30 years of experience within the FINTECH industry. We understood the need for a holistic approach that caters to all Technology -and Systems related enquiries so as to cover you on all fronts. We furthermore cooperate with some of the biggest Brands and High-Tech Companies worldwide for all services not provided in- house, thus offering you all-round premium services.
Dedicated Servers worldwide, - High TechPlatform Provision, and Computer & softwareengineering are just some of the key serviceswhich are catered to by the industryprofessionals on which you may rely withCONSULTIQ. Set-up a meeting with our ChiefTechnology officer to discuss our vast array ofsolutions and how they may be tailored to yourcompany’s specific needs.
Constant online and physical presence in theworld’s biggest High-Tech Conventions for thepast ten years has led the CONSULTIC Team tobuild an unmatched network which consist ofsome of the worlds biggest Brands in theFintech Industry. So even that we are notVenture Capitalists, we might help you bridgethe connection that will kickstart yourcompany’s business operations. Touch Basewith one of our professionals to find out how wecould help unlock your business’ potential.
Online Presence is at the heart of everycompany’s business operations, as such wewouldn’t be able to call ourselves a properFINTECH Consulting firm shouldn’t we beassisting our clients with their online presenceon all media platforms imaginable. Websitedesign, set-up and maintenance can be offeredas an accompanied service to all of the abovementioned.
But, we’ve also managed to make a difference to the Fintech industry brand by brand.
Projects launched
Combined experience
Countries serviced
Technology companies launched
Employees behind you
Introductions made
We’d love to be a part of your success. Let’s meet for a free no-obligation chat and see how we collaborate further.
+357 25 310751
© 2023 S&I TECH INNOVATIVE SOLUTIOND LTD Company Registration Number - ΗΕ396293 Cyprus